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Troop 611 Home Page


Visitor's Information
Resource Files
Eagle Roll Call
Favorite Links
Troop History

Welcome to Troop 611's Web Page.

Troop 611 is chartered to the First Presbyterian Church in Owensboro, KY.  This year marks our 20th year as a Boy Scout Troop.  There is no way we can relate the fun, challenges or joys of those years in this web page. But please take a few minutes and check out our program and activities

Troop 611 Mission Statement

To Provide each Scout the opportunity to develop to the utmost of his potential personal, moral and physical abilities.  To provide a fun but challenging environment to develop leadership, character and citizenship to prepare for the future.  To match individual needs with available resources to empower each Scout to rise to his highest potential

Contact Information

If you are interested in visiting Troop 611 please contact the Scoutmaster - David Doggette, Sr. at DaveEagle@aol.com.

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The information presented here is totally unofficial and is in no way intended to be presented as official Boy Scouts of America policy or information unless it can be directly related to official BSA policy currently in print

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Send mail to ttanner@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: October 20, 1999