On November 13, 1978 Boy Scout Troop 611 began meetings. At that time we were meeting at the Highland School, in conjunction with Cub Scout Pack 611. The membership at that time totaled 5 boys and 2 adult leaders. The charter members were: Charlie Carr, Leroy Thomas, Todd Wyatt, Tony Trogolo, Mike Miller, with the leaders being Terry Tanner (Scoutmaster) and Tom Carr (Assistant Scoutmaster). The Troop met at the school until about January 1979 when it moved to Trinity United Methodist Church on Old Hartford Road. At that time, the Troop was about 10 members strong and still just two adult leaders. During this first year, Troop 611 won the booth competition at the District Scout-A-Rama, the first of many ribbons it would win. The Troop met at Trinity United Methodist Church until August 1985 and grew to about 18 youth members and three adult leaders. In November 1985, the Troop moved to the First Presbyterian Church on Griffith Avenue where it still meets every Tuesday night. The Troop has had a long record of Summer Camp attendance both at Camp Wildcat Hollow and Camp Roy C. Manchester. In 1984, Troop 611 sent a group of 5 people to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. The Troop has also had Scouts attend Council Contingents to Philmont in 1988, 1995, and 1999. The Troop has also sent many Scouts to the National Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia both in 1993 and in 1997. In 1987 the Troop sent a group of 9 Scouts and leaders to Panama City, FL. Although a few years later a second attempt was launched, the group never made it quite to Florida due to bus problems. Troop 611 is proud of our history for long-term, high adventure trips, however, we are also very proud of our many weekends and day activities conducted every year. In the past 20 years, Troop 611 has NEVER missed a Council or District camporee. Troop 611 continues to grow and expand in membership as well as leadership. Over the past years the Troop has developed a strong Troop Committee that serves as the backbone for the entire unit operation. Likewise, a core of dedicated volunteer leaders has served the Troop as Assistant Scoutmasters, providing leadership and experience to the junior leaders and the other Scouts. In addition to the many Assistant Scoutmasters, the Troop has had two Scoutmasters serve as the key leader in Troop operations since November 1978. As you may well see, Troop 611 is very proud of our rich heritage. With over 250 Scouts served through Troop 611, and over 20 Eagle Scouts the successes of Troop 611 are easily seen. Since 1978, this Scout Troop has used the idea of leadership and high adventure to provide the opportunity for young scouts to grow and learn through the means of Scouting, with your help we hope to continue to grow and serve the youth of this area. Written By Jeff Tanner - Assistant Scoutmaster |
Send mail to ttanner@bellsouth.net with
questions or comments about this web site. Last modified: November 08, 1999 |