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Eagle Roll Call


In the 19 Years that Troop 611 has been in operation we have had several boys earn the Eagle Scout Rank.  Here we proudly present our own Eagle Roll Call:


Brian Schutte - 9/28/80

Leroy Thomas - 4/7/82

Mike Tanner - 5/14/84

Michael Miller - 1/24/85

Lloyd Steelman - 8/13/85

William T. Byers, II - 6/1/89

David Tanner - 7/17/91

Steven Shane Sloan - 7/3/92

William Michael Hays, Jr. - 1/20/93

James David Lowery - 8/31/93

Jeffery Tanner - 8/17/95

Shaun Olynick - 11/6/96

Stephen Joesph Richards - 7/1/97

John Eric Dickerson - 10/23/97

Michael Dangler - 6/26/98 - He received his Eagle from Naperville, IL  Troop 222, but he is still one of ours just the same.

John Leo Ward - 2/29/99



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Last modified: October 23, 1999