In the 19 Years that Troop 611 has been in operation we have had several boys earn the Eagle Scout Rank. Here we proudly present our own Eagle Roll Call:
Brian Schutte - 9/28/80 Leroy Thomas - 4/7/82 Mike Tanner - 5/14/84 Michael Miller - 1/24/85 Lloyd Steelman - 8/13/85 William T. Byers, II - 6/1/89 David Tanner - 7/17/91 Steven Shane Sloan - 7/3/92 William Michael Hays, Jr. - 1/20/93 James David Lowery - 8/31/93 Jeffery Tanner - 8/17/95 Shaun Olynick - 11/6/96 Stephen Joesph Richards - 7/1/97 John Eric Dickerson - 10/23/97 Michael Dangler - 6/26/98 - He received his Eagle from Naperville, IL Troop 222, but he is still one of ours just the same. John Leo Ward - 2/29/99
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