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Training Resources


PowerPoint Presentations Sample Lesson Plans
Program Planning Resources Miscellaneous Training Aids
Wood Badge Resources




PowerPoint Presentations:

Computers in Scouting Presentation - Given at Cub Scout Pow Wow 1998

Troop 611 Troop Leader Training Session - PowerPoint Format

Venture Crew 611 Climb On Training - 1999 - PowerPoint 2000 Format


Sample Lesson Plans:

First Aid Program Lesson Plans - Under Development - check back around 11/99

Computers Merit Badge Lesson Plans - Under Development - Check back around 11/99

Cooking Merit Badge Lesson Plans - Under Development - available around 11/99


Program Planning Resources:

The Program Planning Process - PowerPoint Format

Brainstorming - The secret ingredient to Program Planning

First Year/First Class Program - Jeff Thompson

Miscellaneous Training Aids:

The Wheel - A Unique Perspective on Order of the Arrow Lodge Training and Operations 

Wood Badge Resources:

Antelope Clipart - Zip Format

Axe and Log Clipart - Zip Format

Beaver Clip Art - Zip Format

Bobwhite Clip Art - Zip Format

Buffalo Clip Art - Zip Format

Eagle Clip Art - Zip Format

Fox Clip Art - Zip Format

Misc. Clip Art - Zip Format

Owl Clip Art - Zip Format

Send mail to ttanner@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 08, 1999