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Wood Badge Course SR-216 was held this year in Shawnee Trails Council at Camp Wildcat Hollow.  It was a great and fun activity from all that I have heard.  I have posted some photos from the course.  I found some cool resources out on the net, that pertain to Wood Badge, so I have posted them out here as well.

Also, here are some comments form the course:

First Weekend - 9/12 - 9/13

Second Weekend - 9/25 - 9/27

Third Weekend - 10/9 - 10/11

90 Day Follow up Meeting - 1/16/1999

Here are some useful links to URL's listed in the back of the new Venturing Book, from BSA.

For those that would like to go to the Impeesa Page, it is now open to all.

BTW, if you have you would like to include into this page, please e-mail it to me at terry.tanner@smna.com


Send mail to ttanner@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: October 20, 1999