Week End 1 Highlights As Saturday morning arrived, the staff got up and began moving around. Some who had very little sleep, opting to spend the night doing STAs(Spare Time Activities). The participants started arriving around 8:00am. The participants moved to a central staging area, to wait for the beginning of the course. After a short, but informative, hike the participants toured the staff area, hopefully picking up some good hints along the way. Then it was off to Gilwell Hall to assemble as patrols. After a brief period of patrol organization and socialization time, the Quartermasters served a great lunch. The entire staff was introduced and the course started. The patrols had a very good fun, and work, filled day on Saturday. After a good wholesome supper, prepared by the patrols, the entire Troop attended an opening campfire. During this campfire we were introduced to fine art of "Dueling Plungers" by the Staff Patrol. The Scoutmaster told a short story about Baden-Powell and we closed the campfire, to return to the campsites. The Coach Counselors went to check on the patrols and brought a little something for the patrols to enjoy. Then every one went to bed, well almost everyone. There was this one patrol(the Eagle Patrol) who must have thought they were the Owl patrol, since most of the members stayed up all night. But for the most part the camp was silent again by 1:00AM. Day two dawned bright and clear, and much too early for some people. The entire Troop made it to the Parade Field, some later than others. After an interesting morning assembly, we started the days activities. There was much to learn and do , and according to several participants; no where enough time to do it. The highlights of the day included a skill session that involved a game the participants played that included tossing rolls of towel paper at each other., an excellent Cooking Demonstration that was presented by Two of our very own Past Course Directors( Tom Carr and Roy Melott), and most of you thought Course Directors were pretty much useless. After the Troop learned how to cook, the Course Professional Advisor, John Olynick(our Council Scout Executive) treated us to a very good presentation of one of the leadership skills. Then it was time for the final assembly of the weekend, and the Troop was dismissed to return home. Stay tuned for more highlights of the next weekend. - Maybe with pictures. |
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